Again, sorry for being a date late with this. But better one day late than two, right? And at this rate, next week I’ll be right on time. And the week after I might even be early. Who knows?
While I’m struggling terribly with motivation and word count for NaNoWriMo I’m actually getting pretty geared up and excited to get back to work on my other novel. I guess the break is working! For years, actually years, I’ve been wondering what to do with a certain character to make her story line more compelling. She as a character is lovely; I know her very well and can see both her strength and her struggles. But her plot has staunchly refused to work with me. It’s been lazy and lax, doing only a half-baked job (which is a pun that you’ll understand once the book comes out). No matter how many times I’ve yelled, “Do something with your life!” it just gives me a baleful look and goes back to sleep. Really. It’s terrible.
Alright, I’m starting to lose track of this metaphor, so let’s just say that it can make an author feel pretty helpless to encounter a plot line that just seems dead. Especially when it’s a plot line for a character you love. Then last night as I was dozing off, an idea hit me. This was an idea that actually had nothing to do with the character in question. It was instead a way to revamp an adjacent character, and breathe some life into his story line. And I think this was the answer I was looking for.
Fortunately I had the presence of mind to blurt out a few key words for my husband to repeat to me when I was more awake, and it only took me about a minute to decode this morning. In the light of day, it’s still looking good. Of course, this new idea comes with the caveat that chunks and chunks of my current draft will have to be changed, removed, reworked, and added, but that was unavoidable anyway. And I still have a couple weeks before I have to get my hands dirty again. Vacation time.
It’s pretty interesting to me that the solution to an ancient problem is with a different character entirely. It reminds me of how when you have one physical ailment, chances are there’s something deeper going on with a different part of your body. Nausea can be from muscle tension. Touching a certain point on my eye can make me sneeze.
What about you guys? Have any of you ever completely revamped a work by focusing on an entirely different area than your perceived problem? It doesn’t have to be just with writing: art, life, business, you name it. Let me know in the comments.
— Amy