And November is officially over! What a wild ride that was. Even as I type now, I’m eyeing the word count. Not yet used to the fact that it doesn’t really matter now.
For some reason, this year was a lot harder for me than other years. I don’t mean in terms of making the word count on time; I was behind for most of the month, but catching up wasn’t too strenuous. I mean instead that my motivation was running particularly low. I wonder if it’s because writing is a huge part of my life now. In the past November was an excellent excuse to just get my darn book written. Now it’s more along the lines of creating a backlog of content.
This is making it all sound quite dreary and rote, which I’m not meaning to do at all. It was actually a great privilege to get to spent November with a new set of characters and explore their various struggle. I’m actually quiet taken with the protagonist of this one, and definitely looking forward to revisiting her adventures and filling them out in the future. I really think my main struggle with NaNoWriMo this year was that I had too much else going on. I’ve been spoiled in recent years with free time (and a working laptop), but this year everything is in top gear. Still, that’s the spirit of NaNoWriMo, isn’t it? Find time to write, even when life gets crazy. And that’s an important lesson to learn, again and again and again.
To all of you other WriMos, whether you were winners or participants: congratulations. You did it, you made the time to write. Bravo! Let me know in the comments how you did. Did you reach the 50,00 mark, or did you reach a goal of your own? Do you like your story? Where do you see yourself going with it?
Okay, I’m calling it a night. Sorry for missing last week’s post: NaNoWriMo took priority. It was worth it though. So happy to have another manuscript tucked away.
— Amy