Last night I was lying in bed, realizing that I really want a new hoodie. The big kind – pull-over, not zip up. Mostly, if not all, cotton. My old one has worn thing, and it’s time for something new to replace it. It’s a tricky standard, because I really want to be wrapped up in something meaningful. The one I’m replacing is a hoodie from the University I attended. (I’d get another one, but they’ve changed the style). It came to me that I can buy one of my own. That’s right. I sell hoodies now!
Before I figured this out, I spent a little time examining why it’s so important to have this specific kind of hoodie. I have plenty of others: ones good for sports, some cute zip-fronts, and even a pull-over with little holes in the sleeves for my thumb. They all serve their own purpose, but none of them are exactly what I want to curl up in when I need some serious relaxing. I’m talking sweatpants, cup of tea, possibly-wet-outside relaxation. I’m sure you understand.
I also need them to write in. Nothing quite gets me in the mood to write quite like the right outfit.
NaNoWriMo encourages “totems”, an idea that I am strongly behind. Writing totems are a little something that’s out of the ordinary enough that when you’re wearing it, you know you’re writing. Mine is currently a little pencil-shaped ring, perfect because I have a reminder right there on my hand. Get writing, Amy. I only use this during NaNoWriMo, because it’s very much it’s own event and I don’t want to weaken the magic. Writing under other circumstances I usually just try to be in something comfortable, and slightly academic.
The difference between my at-home writing outfits and my in-public writing outfits is fairly drastic. At home my uniform is as comfy as it gets: yoga pants, hoodie, robe, you name it. I can write in my PJs. But out in public it’s a different matter. Out in public I want to be recognized for what I’m doing. I want to look like the glamorous 20-something that I am in my head with all the time in the world to sit at a cafe with her laptop. I tend toward scarves, sweaters, and hats, and even have a special angora sweater that my husband bought me that he deemed only to be worn while writing. A very good idea, since it’s white and I have a tendency to spill.
What’s on your body is, in my opinion, just as important as where your body is. Just like I write the best when I’m in a studious yet relaxed environment, I also write the best when I feel like I look the part. Unfortunately, this also results in lots of selfies… Hmm…
What do you guys like to wear to work? Do your at-home and in-public styles differ? What do you put on that makes you feel most productive? Let me know!
— Amy